Choosing an Animal Communicator
The Problem
Your horse seems depressed. Your veterinarian has been out to see him and has given him a clean bill of health. Still, your horse does not have his usual energy and lust for life. He seems withdrawn and moody.
You will be going out of town for a week, and will be leaving your dog with a new dog sitter. Your dog is a creature of habit and tends to get upset in new situations.
Your middle-aged cat has suddenly started urinating outside of the litter box. A trip to the veterinarian has confirmed that there is nothing wrong with her kidneys or bladder.
In all of these situations, you might consider using the services of an animal communicator. But if you have never used a communicator before, how do you decide who to use?
Step One: Gathering Names
The easiest place to begin, of course, is with a referral from someone you trust, someone who has used a communicator and has been happy with the results.
If this isnít an option, you can begin either by searching a local publication where communicators advertise (such as this publication) or by searching the Internet. When searching the Internet, it is probably easiest to narrow your search by state, but remember that all communicators are able to do readings across distance. So if you run across a communicator who appeals to you but that lives in another state, or even another country, donít let location stop you.
Step Two: Gathering Information
The next step is to gather information about the communicator. This is obviously necessary if you are considering using the services of someone that no one you know has used. But it may also be a good idea in the case of a referral. Itís entirely possible that a friend or acquaintance could suggest a communicator that you end up not caring forówhat works for one person doesnít always work for another. So itís always a good idea to do a little bit of research on your own before hiring someone.
If the communicator has a Website, go ahead and take a look at it. The Website will give you a sense of the communicatorís background, philosophy, and approach. The Website should contain summaries of some of the communicatorís readings (stories or short case studies) and should contain testimonials from clients as well. Of course, no communicator is going to include comments from dissatisfied clients (if such clients exist), but positive testimonials should give you a sense of the communicatorís approach and level of success.
The Website will also discuss other modalities the communicator may use. For example, I incorporate Reiki energy healing into my sessions; other communicators may use other energy modalities, such as Healing Touch, oils, or crystals.
Websites may also contain articles written by or about the communicator. These are another source of valuable information about the communicatorís work.
Step Three: Making Contact
If you like what you have read, if it sits well with you, if you feel drawn to learning more about this person, the next step is to contact the communicator. Usually, you can do this either by email or phone. Email is a bit less personal, but you should use whichever method you feel most comfortable with.
Of course, if the communicator does not have a Website, you will probably want to ask questions about his or her background, experience, and approach. But if you have already gotten this information, this final step is about making a more personal contact. As you have your conversation with the communicator, let your intuition guide you. There is an increasing number of excellent, qualified professionals to choose from. You need to work with the person you are most drawn to.
Final Considerations
In making your decision of who to work with, beware of sweeping claims. Anyone who claims, for example, to be the best communicator in the area or who makes negative comments about other professionals, anyone who claims to be accurate 100 percent of the time, anyone who claims to be able to predict how much time your ill animal has to live should trip your early warning system.
Animal communication is an art form that is based in spirit. It originates in that part of us that is soft and quiet, that is humble and receptive, that is awed by the power of this gift. These are the qualities you want to look for.
Note also that the session will not only give you information about your animal companion, it will give you information about yourself as well. Some of this information may make you uncomfortable, for example if your horse is not happy with his job or with some facet of his living situation, or if your dog or cat insists that changes be made in the relationship.
A good communicator, then, will not only tell you what your animal companion said, she or he will suggest ways for you to act on this information, to make the necessary changes, to integrate the information into your heart.
Until next month,
Be well,
*This column originally appeared in From the Horse’s Mouth in March 2007.
© 2007 by Pamela Sourelis