I have always been one to be open minded and try different methods of keeping my horse healthy and happy, and why not—he is my partner after all.
My friend Marcia sent me to websites of the names of two exceptional women.
WingedHorseHealing.com (Pam Sourelis) and Patricia Holman Milwaukeefeldenkrais.com.
After viewing both websites I decided to have neuromuscular retraining for my horse Declan and I would visit Patricia and have Feldenkrais work done to myself.
The first visit with Pam was awesome, just by very light and gentle touch she released a huge knot in Declan’s back. After the lesson Declan was walking more relaxed, his head stretched down and forward.
The second lesson was from a distance. Yes I was a little hesitant at first, but when I rode Declan the next time I felt that his rib cage had expanded, and he moved more freely through his shoulders and back.
I could hardly wait for my session with Patricia.
My session with Patricia was amazing. I never knew how really heavy and tight the left side of my body was, hence putting more weight on the left side of my body in the saddle was hindering Declan from using his left inside hind. I too had issues with my rib cage and tightness in my shoulders. After my Feldenkrais session with Pat I could hardly wait to ride again; what a difference it made! I was able to shift my balance point to the right and keep my right leg on the side of my horse! Yea! I have signed up for 3 more sessions with Patricia.
After the final session with Pam I felt a horse that I hadn’t felt in a long time. He moved much more fluently and relaxed.
I must admit that I have done chiropractic, message and acupuncture both to my horse and with myself; these methods of Pam and Patricia are so much more relaxing and helpful. I am totally hooked.
– Mary Ann Collins, Caledonia, WI
Pam’s note: The Neuromuscular Retraining sessions that I do with animals are based on the principles of the Feldenkrais Method for humans. I received two years of training from a certified Feldenkrais practitioner who developed a method for four-legged creatures. I am always thrilled when the human rider is working with a Feldenkrais practitioner at the same time I am working with the horse.